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曲阜三孔自駕游攻略 2020-09-01 11:49:01
泰國芭提雅自由行攻略 2020-08-27 00:04:19
廣州到重慶特價機票 2020-08-30 08:09:46


發布時間: 2021-03-04 13:27:17
















第一部分:申請概況(Application overview)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 有多少名家庭成員(How many family members)

2 請的種類:在下列三項中選擇一項:已婚配偶、未婚夫/妻、同居者(Spouse,fiancé,interdependent partner)

第二部分:以前申請簽證的情況(Processing details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 申請時,申請人是否在澳大利亞(Are you in Australia at he time of lodging this application)

2. 是否在等候另外一類申請簽證的結果,如果是,請提供正在等候的另外一類申請簽證的類別(Are you currently awaiting a decision on another visa application? Class of visa applied for)

3 是否有簽證被撤消的記錄(Have you ever had a visa canceled?

4 是否有曾被拒絕進入澳大利亞的記錄(Have you ever been refused an permit or visa in Australia?)

5 是否曾經或者正在持有過橋簽證 E(Have you held,or do you currently hold a bridging visa E?)

6 是否正在移民集中營(Are you currently in immigration detention?)

7 是否曾經到過澳大利亞,目前是否持有有效簽證(Have you previous been to Australia,held or currently hold a visa for travel to Australia?)

第三部分:主申請人詳情(Main applicant's details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 主申請人的住址、姓名、漢字寫法、性別、出生年月日、出生地、護照號碼、護照簽發國家、簽發地、簽發日期、到期日期(Main applicant's address, full name, name in Chinese, sex, date of birth, place of birth,details of passport)

2 主申請人國籍、居住地、婚姻狀況(Of which countries are you a citizen? Country of current residence, current marital status)

3 主申請人以前的婚姻情況,如果曾經結婚,請提供前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、出生地、婚姻關系起止年月日、如何終止、有沒有育有子女(Have you previously been married or been in interdependent relationship?)

4 主申請人的住址、通訊地址、電話號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件(Main applicant's residential address,address for correspondence, telephone number ,fax number, fax number and email address)

5 是否指定代理人,是否授權澳大利亞移民部與指定的代理人聯系(Have you appointed a agent,Do you agree to DIMA contacting a person you have nominated?)

6 母語語種、英語水平、其他語言水平(Mail language,How well do you communicate in English? Other languages you read,understand, understand, speak and write fluently)

7 移民後准備在澳大利亞哪個州居住(Where do you intend to live in Australia?)

8 移民時,准備攜帶多少資金、物品財產入境(What is the value of money, goods and assets which you intend to bring to Australia?)

9 身份證號碼(Identification number)

10 家庭成員的詳情,包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受扶養者的性別、出生年月日、婚姻狀況、居住國家;如果家庭成員在澳大利亞,持有的什麼簽證(Give details of all your family)

11 主申請人的子女是否在主申請人的監護之下、婚姻狀況(Are all the children listed above in your care and legal custody? Marriage status)

12 其他人對主申請人的子女有設有監護權(Does other person have custodial, access or guardianship rights to any of these children?)

13 子女不和主申請人一起赴澳大利亞,何人對其承擔撫養義務(Are any of the children not migrating with you in your care and legal custody?)

第四部分 配偶詳情(Partner's details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 配偶姓名、漢字寫法、性別、出生年月日、出生地(Partner's full time ,partner's in your Chinese language,sex, date of birth,place of birth)

2 配偶國籍或者在澳大利亞居住身份、目前居住國家、住址、電話號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件地址(What is you partner's citizenship/residence status in Australia ?Partner's country of current residence,residential address,telephone number, fax,number, fax number,email address)

3 配偶經常性職業(Partner's usual occupation)

4 配偶以前是否有婚史,如果是,提供配偶前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、婚姻關系起止日期、如何終止的、育有多少孩子(Has your previously been married or been in a de facto or interdependent relationship? If yes, provide name of previous partner,date of birth,period of marriage or relationship? How did it end? Number of children)

5 配偶家庭成員詳情;包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受撫養者(Details of all your partner's family, including partner's parents,brothers and sisters,children and other dependents)

第五部分 戀愛婚姻詳情(Details of love and marriage)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 何時、何地兩人相識?(When and where did you and your first meet?)

2 何時、何地兩人開始配偶關系?(When and where did you begin a relationship with your partner?)

3 兩人准備維持持久的關系嗎?(Do you and your partner intend to maintain a lasting relationship?)

4 如果你和你的配偶是一種同居關系,你同時還和其他人保持有法律上的婚姻關系嗎?(If and your partner are living in de facto or interdependent relationship, and either of you still legally married to another person?)

5 兩人發生這種關系僅僅是為了獲得在澳大利亞永久居留身份嗎?(Did you enter into this relationship with your partner solely to gain permanent residence in Australia?)

6 提供婚姻細節(Give details of marriage)

7 你和你的配偶是一種同居關系,你和你的配偶有血緣、收養關系嗎?(If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship, are you related to your by blood or adoption?)

8 如果你在澳大利亞申請,你入境時持有臨時婚姻簽證V300而且准備和擔保人結婚嗎?(If are applying in Australia,did you enter Australia as the holder of a subclass 300(Prospective marriage) visa and marry your sponsor?)

9 如果兩人關系終止,你會通知移民部嗎?(Will you inform the Department if your relationship with your partner ends before this application is decided?)

第六部分 健康和品格(Health and character)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 申請中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否曾經有過、或者現在有肺結核或任何其他嚴重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或殘疾,如果是,請提供是否需要治療、所需開支、危及他人等詳情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness) ,condition or disability?)

2 申請中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否受過刑事處罰,如果是,請提供詳情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, even been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details)

3 申請中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否服過兵役(Has the child,or any other person ,included in this application or not,ever served in the armed forces?)

4 過去 10年中居住超過 12個月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more ring the last 10 years?Dates lived)

5 申請人以前是否被移民部書面允許在澳大利亞工作?(Have you ever been written permission by the Department of Immigration to work in Australia?

6 以前是否從澳大利亞領取過福利金(Have you ever been paid any benefits or received any social services from a government agency in Australia?)

7 是在澳大利亞境內還是境外申請(Are you apply in Australia or outside Australia?)

第七部分 提名人詳情(Nomination details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 提名人與被提名人關系,被提名人姓名、出生年月日、與提名人關系(I wish to nominate(name of applicant) for permanent residence in Australia because he/she is:my spouse(including de facto spouse)or my inter dependent partner.Full name,date of birth,relationship to partner.

2 以前是否在澳大利亞遞交過提名申請或者在澳大利亞境外遞交過擔保申請,如果是,提供遞交的日期、關系、遞交申請的辦公室、簽證是否被批准、關系終止的日期及原因(Have you previously lodged a nomination for residence in Australia or a sponsorship for migration overseas?give date sponsorship/nomination,relationship to you,name of overseas post/Australian office where sponsorship or on was lodged.Was a visa granted,Date relationship ended,How relationship ended)

3 是否曾經是被提名/擔保人(Were you originally sponsored/nominated as spouse,prospective spouse or inter dependent partner?)

4 通常居住在澳大利亞嗎,是澳大利亞公民嗎(Are you usually resident in Australia?)

5 過去 10年中居住超過 12個月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more ring the last 10 years? Dates lived there)

6 是否曾經有過、或者現在有肺結核或任何其他嚴重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或殘疾,如果是,請提供是否需要治療、所需開支、危及他人等詳情(has the child,or any other ,included in this application,ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness),condition or disability?)

7 是否受過刑事處罰,如果是,請提供詳情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application ever been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details)

第八部分 需要補充的其他信息(Additional information)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 根據實際情況,填寫自己認為需要補充說明的信息(Additional information)

2 在填寫申請表格過程中,是否得到了有關人士的幫助,如果是,請提供幫助者的姓名、地址、移民代理號是否收費(Did you receive help completing this form.If yes,provide person's name,his address,migration agent registration number.Were you charged a fee for this help?)



1. 已婚夫妻類別:有計劃維持真實而長久的配偶關系( Your relationship is genuine and continuing)。這種關系的存在是批准移民的關鍵條件。

2.同居夫妻類別:若是同居關系,該段關系在申請前已經持續了12個月 (You and your partner have been in that relationship for the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of application).

3.未婚夫妻類別:雙方年滿18歲 (Both you and your fiancé must be aged over 18 years);有資格在澳大利亞依法結婚;真誠的希望於擔保人登記結婚,並維持真實和長久的婚姻關系;申請人於未婚配偶兩人相互認識,而且相互了解 (You and your fiancé have met and are personally known to each other)。

二、獲得永久配偶簽證的基本條件(Basic requirements of awarding permanent spouse migration visa)






18歲或以上的通常在澳大利亞居住的澳大利亞公民或者永久居民(An alt(over 18)Australian citizen,Australian permanent resident usually resident in Australia);

沒有從澳大利亞政府領取金額的養老金、補貼(It is unlikely that your assure could provide an acceptable assurance of support if they have received the full rate of any pensions or allowances from Australian government ring the past year)。


值得注意的一點是,有關的法規雖然都訂立了嚴格的條件,但都有基於人道立場上的例外情況。例如,在涉及擔保人死亡、虐待配偶或雙方育有孩子等等情況下,申請人是可以不受擔保人撤回擔保的影響而依然獲得永久居留簽證的(Waiver of 2 Years Requirement)。


問1: 父母或他人包辦的婚姻可否通過審批?答: 可以,只要婚姻符合真實和持久關系這一種標准。

問2: 擔保人是否要提供經濟擔保?答: 不一定。首先,作為申請人的配偶,擔保人是有義務保證申請人在澳大利亞境內頭兩年的生活開支不會有問題。但是移民局也不一定要求擔保人出具經濟擔保證明,如果移民局認為有必要出具經濟擔保證明時,擔保人配偶也不-定要兼做經濟擔保人,而可以另外請人擔任此一角色。在此情況下,如果申請人在澳大利亞境內的頭2年領取社會福利金的話,經濟擔保人就有法律責任去償還該筆金額。

問3: 可以連同孩子一起申請嗎?答: 可以,只要孩子未滿18歲,未婚,在經濟、生活和感情上依賴申請人,而且不會侵犯孩子另外一個家長的撫養權就行。

問4: 非法移民能夠申請配偶簽證移民嗎?答: 能,但是申請表格一般要在澳大利亞境外遞交。若申請人與擔保人共有的兒女需要照顧或符合其它條件,則在澳大利亞境內遞表也是可以的。

問5: 以前的婚姻關系未解決,可以申請配偶移民嗎?答: 可以。請參閱本章中同居配偶簽證的論述,一紙結婚證書並不是配偶移民簽證的審批標准。

問6: 可否跳過兩年的臨居等候期?答: 可以。但是必須滿足嚴格的臨居等候期豁免條件,即申請人與擔保人共同生活超過了5年,或在兩年等候期沒有屆滿以前孕育了子女等。

問7: 配偶移民申請者是否要面試?答: 有可能。如果移民局覺得有必要確認兩人間的關系是否真實(及持久)的話,就會安排時間,通知雙方出席面試。通過對兩個人分別的問話,可以具體取得雙方的關系、家庭、日常生活和親密與否等情況,再以此做參考來證實兩人的關系。
































第一部分:申請概況(Application overview)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 有多少名家庭成員(How many family members)

2 請的種類:在下列三項中選擇一項:已婚配偶、未婚夫/妻、同居者(Spouse,fiancé,interdependent partner)

第二部分:以前申請簽證的情況(Processing details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 申請時,申請人是否在澳大利亞(Are you in Australia at he time of lodging this application)

2. 是否在等候另外一類申請簽證的結果,如果是,請提供正在等候的另外一類申請簽證的類別(Are you currently awaiting a decision on another visa application? Class of visa applied for)

3 是否有簽證被撤消的記錄(Have you ever had a visa canceled?

4 是否有曾被拒絕進入澳大利亞的記錄(Have you ever been refused an permit or visa in Australia?)

5 是否曾經或者正在持有過橋簽證 E(Have you held,or do you currently hold a bridging visa E?)

6 是否正在移民集中營(Are you currently in immigration detention?)

7 是否曾經到過澳大利亞,目前是否持有有效簽證(Have you previous been to Australia,held or currently hold a visa for travel to Australia?)

第三部分:主申請人詳情(Main applicant's details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 主申請人的住址、姓名、漢字寫法、性別、出生年月日、出生地、護照號碼、護照簽發國家、簽發地、簽發日期、到期日期(Main applicant's address, full name, name in Chinese, sex, date of birth, place of birth,details of passport)

2 主申請人國籍、居住地、婚姻狀況(Of which countries are you a citizen? Country of current residence, current marital status)

3 主申請人以前的婚姻情況,如果曾經結婚,請提供前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、出生地、婚姻關系起止年月日、如何終止、有沒有育有子女(Have you previously been married or been in interdependent relationship?)

4 主申請人的住址、通訊地址、電話號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件(Main applicant's residential address,address for correspondence, telephone number ,fax number, fax number and email address)

5 是否指定代理人,是否授權澳大利亞移民部與指定的代理人聯系(Have you appointed a agent,Do you agree to DIMA contacting a person you have nominated?)

6 母語語種、英語水平、其他語言水平(Mail language,How well do you communicate in English? Other languages you read,understand, understand, speak and write fluently)

7 移民後准備在澳大利亞哪個州居住(Where do you intend to live in Australia?)

8 移民時,准備攜帶多少資金、物品財產入境(What is the value of money, goods and assets which you intend to bring to Australia?)

9 身份證號碼(Identification number)

10 家庭成員的詳情,包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受扶養者的性別、出生年月日、婚姻狀況、居住國家;如果家庭成員在澳大利亞,持有的什麼簽證(Give details of all your family)

11 主申請人的子女是否在主申請人的監護之下、婚姻狀況(Are all the children listed above in your care and legal custody? Marriage status)

12 其他人對主申請人的子女有設有監護權(Does other person have custodial, access or guardianship rights to any of these children?)

13 子女不和主申請人一起赴澳大利亞,何人對其承擔撫養義務(Are any of the children not migrating with you in your care and legal custody?)

第四部分 配偶詳情(Partner's details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 配偶姓名、漢字寫法、性別、出生年月日、出生地(Partner's full time ,partner's in your Chinese language,sex, date of birth,place of birth)

2 配偶國籍或者在澳大利亞居住身份、目前居住國家、住址、電話號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件地址(What is you partner's citizenship/residence status in Australia ?Partner's country of current residence,residential address,telephone number, fax,number, fax number,email address)

3 配偶經常性職業(Partner's usual occupation)

4 配偶以前是否有婚史,如果是,提供配偶前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、婚姻關系起止日期、如何終止的、育有多少孩子(Has your previously been married or been in a de facto or interdependent relationship? If yes, provide name of previous partner,date of birth,period of marriage or relationship? How did it end? Number of children)

5 配偶家庭成員詳情;包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受撫養者(Details of all your partner's family, including partner's parents,brothers and sisters,children and other dependents)

第五部分 戀愛婚姻詳情(Details of love and marriage)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 何時、何地兩人相識?(When and where did you and your first meet?)

2 何時、何地兩人開始配偶關系?(When and where did you begin a relationship with your partner?)

3 兩人准備維持持久的關系嗎?(Do you and your partner intend to maintain a lasting relationship?)

4 如果你和你的配偶是一種同居關系,你同時還和其他人保持有法律上的婚姻關系嗎?(If and your partner are living in de facto or interdependent relationship, and either of you still legally married to another person?)

5 兩人發生這種關系僅僅是為了獲得在澳大利亞永久居留身份嗎?(Did you enter into this relationship with your partner solely to gain permanent residence in Australia?)

6 提供婚姻細節(Give details of marriage)

7 你和你的配偶是一種同居關系,你和你的配偶有血緣、收養關系嗎?(If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship, are you related to your by blood or adoption?)

8 如果你在澳大利亞申請,你入境時持有臨時婚姻簽證V300而且准備和擔保人結婚嗎?(If are applying in Australia,did you enter Australia as the holder of a subclass 300(Prospective marriage) visa and marry your sponsor?)

9 如果兩人關系終止,你會通知移民部嗎?(Will you inform the Department if your relationship with your partner ends before this application is decided?)

第六部分 健康和品格(Health and character)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 申請中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否曾經有過、或者現在有肺結核或任何其他嚴重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或殘疾,如果是,請提供是否需要治療、所需開支、危及他人等詳情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness) ,condition or disability?)

2 申請中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否受過刑事處罰,如果是,請提供詳情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, even been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details)

3 申請中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否服過兵役(Has the child,or any other person ,included in this application or not,ever served in the armed forces?)

4 過去 10年中居住超過 12個月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more ring the last 10 years?Dates lived)

5 申請人以前是否被移民部書面允許在澳大利亞工作?(Have you ever been written permission by the Department of Immigration to work in Australia?

6 以前是否從澳大利亞領取過福利金(Have you ever been paid any benefits or received any social services from a government agency in Australia?)

7 是在澳大利亞境內還是境外申請(Are you apply in Australia or outside Australia?)

第七部分 提名人詳情(Nomination details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 提名人與被提名人關系,被提名人姓名、出生年月日、與提名人關系(I wish to nominate(name of applicant) for permanent residence in Australia because he/she is:my spouse(including de facto spouse)or my inter dependent partner.Full name,date of birth,relationship to partner.

2 以前是否在澳大利亞遞交過提名申請或者在澳大利亞境外遞交過擔保申請,如果是,提供遞交的日期、關系、遞交申請的辦公室、簽證是否被批准、關系終止的日期及原因(Have you previously lodged a nomination for residence in Australia or a sponsorship for migration overseas?give date sponsorship/nomination,relationship to you,name of overseas post/Australian office where sponsorship or on was lodged.Was a visa granted,Date relationship ended,How relationship ended)

3 是否曾經是被提名/擔保人(Were you originally sponsored/nominated as spouse,prospective spouse or inter dependent partner?)

4 通常居住在澳大利亞嗎,是澳大利亞公民嗎(Are you usually resident in Australia?)

5 過去 10年中居住超過 12個月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more ring the last 10 years? Dates lived there)

6 是否曾經有過、或者現在有肺結核或任何其他嚴重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或殘疾,如果是,請提供是否需要治療、所需開支、危及他人等詳情(has the child,or any other ,included in this application,ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness),condition or disability?)

7 是否受過刑事處罰,如果是,請提供詳情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application ever been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details)

第八部分 需要補充的其他信息(Additional information)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 根據實際情況,填寫自己認為需要補充說明的信息(Additional information)

2 在填寫申請表格過程中,是否得到了有關人士的幫助,如果是,請提供幫助者的姓名、地址、移民代理號是否收費(Did you receive help completing this form.If yes,provide person's name,his address,migration agent registration number.Were you charged a fee for this help?)



1. 已婚夫妻類別:有計劃維持真實而長久的配偶關系( Your relationship is genuine and continuing)。這種關系的存在是批准移民的關鍵條件。

2.同居夫妻類別:若是同居關系,該段關系在申請前已經持續了12個月 (You and your partner have been in that relationship for the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of application).

3.未婚夫妻類別:雙方年滿18歲 (Both you and your fiancé must be aged over 18 years);有資格在澳大利亞依法結婚;真誠的希望於擔保人登記結婚,並維持真實和長久的婚姻關系;申請人於未婚配偶兩人相互認識,而且相互了解 (You and your fiancé have met and are personally known to each other)。

二、獲得永久配偶簽證的基本條件(Basic requirements of awarding permanent spouse migration visa)






18歲或以上的通常在澳大利亞居住的澳大利亞公民或者永久居民(An alt(over 18)Australian citizen,Australian permanent resident usually resident in Australia);

沒有從澳大利亞政府領取金額的養老金、補貼(It is unlikely that your assure could provide an acceptable assurance of support if they have received the full rate of any pensions or allowances from Australian government ring the past year)。


值得注意的一點是,有關的法規雖然都訂立了嚴格的條件,但都有基於人道立場上的例外情況。例如,在涉及擔保人死亡、虐待配偶或雙方育有孩子等等情況下,申請人是可以不受擔保人撤回擔保的影響而依然獲得永久居留簽證的(Waiver of 2 Years Requirement)。


問1: 父母或他人包辦的婚姻可否通過審批?答: 可以,只要婚姻符合真實和持久關系這一種標准。

問2: 擔保人是否要提供經濟擔保?答: 不一定。首先,作為申請人的配偶,擔保人是有義務保證申請人在澳大利亞境內頭兩年的生活開支不會有問題。但是移民局也不一定要求擔保人出具經濟擔保證明,如果移民局認為有必要出具經濟擔保證明時,擔保人配偶也不-定要兼做經濟擔保人,而可以另外請人擔任此一角色。在此情況下,如果申請人在澳大利亞境內的頭2年領取社會福利金的話,經濟擔保人就有法律責任去償還該筆金額。

問3: 可以連同孩子一起申請嗎?答: 可以,只要孩子未滿18歲,未婚,在經濟、生活和感情上依賴申請人,而且不會侵犯孩子另外一個家長的撫養權就行。

問4: 非法移民能夠申請配偶簽證移民嗎?答: 能,但是申請表格一般要在澳大利亞境外遞交。若申請人與擔保人共有的兒女需要照顧或符合其它條件,則在澳大利亞境內遞表也是可以的。

問5: 以前的婚姻關系未解決,可以申請配偶移民嗎?答: 可以。請參閱本章中同居配偶簽證的論述,一紙結婚證書並不是配偶移民簽證的審批標准。

問6: 可否跳過兩年的臨居等候期?答: 可以。但是必須滿足嚴格的臨居等候期豁免條件,即申請人與擔保人共同生活超過了5年,或在兩年等候期沒有屆滿以前孕育了子女等。

問7: 配偶移民申請者是否要面試?答: 有可能。如果移民局覺得有必要確認兩人間的關系是否真實(及持久)的話,就會安排時間,通知雙方出席面試。通過對兩個人分別的問話,可以具體取得雙方的關系、家庭、日常生活和親密與否等情況,再以此做參考來證實兩人的關系。


去澳洲的Spouse Visa的拒簽率很高,因為以前的虛假結婚太多。



















第一部分:申請概況(Application overview)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 有多少名家庭成員(How many family members)

2 請的種類:在下列三項中選擇一項:已婚配偶、未婚夫/妻、同居者(Spouse,fiancé,interdependent partner)

第二部分:以前申請簽證的情況(Processing details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 申請時,申請人是否在澳大利亞(Are you in Australia at he time of lodging this application)

2. 是否在等候另外一類申請簽證的結果,如果是,請提供正在等候的另外一類申請簽證的類別(Are you currently awaiting a decision on another visa application? Class of visa applied for)

3 是否有簽證被撤消的記錄(Have you ever had a visa canceled?

4 是否有曾被拒絕進入澳大利亞的記錄(Have you ever been refused an permit or visa in Australia?)

5 是否曾經或者正在持有過橋簽證 E(Have you held,or do you currently hold a bridging visa E?)

6 是否正在移民集中營(Are you currently in immigration detention?)

7 是否曾經到過澳大利亞,目前是否持有有效簽證(Have you previous been to Australia,held or currently hold a visa for travel to Australia?)

第三部分:主申請人詳情(Main applicant's details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 主申請人的住址、姓名、漢字寫法、性別、出生年月日、出生地、護照號碼、護照簽發國家、簽發地、簽發日期、到期日期(Main applicant's address, full name, name in Chinese, sex, date of birth, place of birth,details of passport)

2 主申請人國籍、居住地、婚姻狀況(Of which countries are you a citizen? Country of current residence, current marital status)

3 主申請人以前的婚姻情況,如果曾經結婚,請提供前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、出生地、婚姻關系起止年月日、如何終止、有沒有育有子女(Have you previously been married or been in interdependent relationship?)

4 主申請人的住址、通訊地址、電話號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件(Main applicant's residential address,address for correspondence, telephone number ,fax number, fax number and email address)

5 是否指定代理人,是否授權澳大利亞移民部與指定的代理人聯系(Have you appointed a agent,Do you agree to DIMA contacting a person you have nominated?)

6 母語語種、英語水平、其他語言水平(Mail language,How well do you communicate in English? Other languages you read,understand, understand, speak and write fluently)

7 移民後准備在澳大利亞哪個州居住(Where do you intend to live in Australia?)

8 移民時,准備攜帶多少資金、物品財產入境(What is the value of money, goods and assets which you intend to bring to Australia?)

9 身份證號碼(Identification number)

10 家庭成員的詳情,包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受扶養者的性別、出生年月日、婚姻狀況、居住國家;如果家庭成員在澳大利亞,持有的什麼簽證(Give details of all your family)

11 主申請人的子女是否在主申請人的監護之下、婚姻狀況(Are all the children listed above in your care and legal custody? Marriage status)

12 其他人對主申請人的子女有設有監護權(Does other person have custodial, access or guardianship rights to any of these children?)

13 子女不和主申請人一起赴澳大利亞,何人對其承擔撫養義務(Are any of the children not migrating with you in your care and legal custody?)

第四部分 配偶詳情(Partner's details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 配偶姓名、漢字寫法、性別、出生年月日、出生地(Partner's full time ,partner's in your Chinese language,sex, date of birth,place of birth)

2 配偶國籍或者在澳大利亞居住身份、目前居住國家、住址、電話號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件地址(What is you partner's citizenship/residence status in Australia ?Partner's country of current residence,residential address,telephone number, fax,number, fax number,email address)

3 配偶經常性職業(Partner's usual occupation)

4 配偶以前是否有婚史,如果是,提供配偶前夫/妻的姓名、出生年月日、婚姻關系起止日期、如何終止的、育有多少孩子(Has your previously been married or been in a de facto or interdependent relationship? If yes, provide name of previous partner,date of birth,period of marriage or relationship? How did it end? Number of children)

5 配偶家庭成員詳情;包括父母、兄弟姐妹、子女和其他受撫養者(Details of all your partner's family, including partner's parents,brothers and sisters,children and other dependents)

第五部分 戀愛婚姻詳情(Details of love and marriage)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 何時、何地兩人相識?(When and where did you and your first meet?)

2 何時、何地兩人開始配偶關系?(When and where did you begin a relationship with your partner?)

3 兩人准備維持持久的關系嗎?(Do you and your partner intend to maintain a lasting relationship?)

4 如果你和你的配偶是一種同居關系,你同時還和其他人保持有法律上的婚姻關系嗎?(If and your partner are living in de facto or interdependent relationship, and either of you still legally married to another person?)

5 兩人發生這種關系僅僅是為了獲得在澳大利亞永久居留身份嗎?(Did you enter into this relationship with your partner solely to gain permanent residence in Australia?)

6 提供婚姻細節(Give details of marriage)

7 你和你的配偶是一種同居關系,你和你的配偶有血緣、收養關系嗎?(If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship, are you related to your by blood or adoption?)

8 如果你在澳大利亞申請,你入境時持有臨時婚姻簽證V300而且准備和擔保人結婚嗎?(If are applying in Australia,did you enter Australia as the holder of a subclass 300(Prospective marriage) visa and marry your sponsor?)

9 如果兩人關系終止,你會通知移民部嗎?(Will you inform the Department if your relationship with your partner ends before this application is decided?)

第六部分 健康和品格(Health and character)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 申請中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否曾經有過、或者現在有肺結核或任何其他嚴重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或殘疾,如果是,請提供是否需要治療、所需開支、危及他人等詳情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness) ,condition or disability?)

2 申請中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否受過刑事處罰,如果是,請提供詳情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application, even been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details)

3 申請中包括的子女或者任何其他人是否服過兵役(Has the child,or any other person ,included in this application or not,ever served in the armed forces?)

4 過去 10年中居住超過 12個月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more ring the last 10 years?Dates lived)

5 申請人以前是否被移民部書面允許在澳大利亞工作?(Have you ever been written permission by the Department of Immigration to work in Australia?

6 以前是否從澳大利亞領取過福利金(Have you ever been paid any benefits or received any social services from a government agency in Australia?)

7 是在澳大利亞境內還是境外申請(Are you apply in Australia or outside Australia?)

第七部分 提名人詳情(Nomination details)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 提名人與被提名人關系,被提名人姓名、出生年月日、與提名人關系(I wish to nominate(name of applicant) for permanent residence in Australia because he/she is:my spouse(including de facto spouse)or my inter dependent partner.Full name,date of birth,relationship to partner.

2 以前是否在澳大利亞遞交過提名申請或者在澳大利亞境外遞交過擔保申請,如果是,提供遞交的日期、關系、遞交申請的辦公室、簽證是否被批准、關系終止的日期及原因(Have you previously lodged a nomination for residence in Australia or a sponsorship for migration overseas?give date sponsorship/nomination,relationship to you,name of overseas post/Australian office where sponsorship or on was lodged.Was a visa granted,Date relationship ended,How relationship ended)

3 是否曾經是被提名/擔保人(Were you originally sponsored/nominated as spouse,prospective spouse or inter dependent partner?)

4 通常居住在澳大利亞嗎,是澳大利亞公民嗎(Are you usually resident in Australia?)

5 過去 10年中居住超過 12個月的地址、居住起止年月日(In which countries has the child lived for 12 months or more ring the last 10 years? Dates lived there)

6 是否曾經有過、或者現在有肺結核或任何其他嚴重疾病(包括精神病)、病情或殘疾,如果是,請提供是否需要治療、所需開支、危及他人等詳情(has the child,or any other ,included in this application,ever had or currently have tuberculosis or any other serious disease(including mental illness),condition or disability?)

7 是否受過刑事處罰,如果是,請提供詳情(Has the child,or any other person, included in this application ever been convicted of crime of offense in any country?If yes,provide details)

第八部分 需要補充的其他信息(Additional information)

序號 應該填寫的內容

1 根據實際情況,填寫自己認為需要補充說明的信息(Additional information)

2 在填寫申請表格過程中,是否得到了有關人士的幫助,如果是,請提供幫助者的姓名、地址、移民代理號是否收費(Did you receive help completing this form.If yes,provide person's name,his address,migration agent registration number.Were you charged a fee for this help?)



1. 已婚夫妻類別:有計劃維持真實而長久的配偶關系( Your relationship is genuine and continuing)。這種關系的存在是批准移民的關鍵條件。

2.同居夫妻類別:若是同居關系,該段關系在申請前已經持續了12個月 (You and your partner have been in that relationship for the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of application).

3.未婚夫妻類別:雙方年滿18歲 (Both you and your fiancé must be aged over 18 years);有資格在澳大利亞依法結婚;真誠的希望於擔保人登記結婚,並維持真實和長久的婚姻關系;申請人於未婚配偶兩人相互認識,而且相互了解 (You and your fiancé have met and are personally known to each other)。

二、獲得永久配偶簽證的基本條件(Basic requirements of awarding permanent spouse migration visa)






18歲或以上的通常在澳大利亞居住的澳大利亞公民或者永久居民(An alt(over 18)Australian citizen,Australian permanent resident usually resident in Australia);

沒有從澳大利亞政府領取金額的養老金、補貼(It is unlikely that your assure could provide an acceptable assurance of support if they have received the full rate of any pensions or allowances from Australian government ring the past year)。


值得注意的一點是,有關的法規雖然都訂立了嚴格的條件,但都有基於人道立場上的例外情況。例如,在涉及擔保人死亡、虐待配偶或雙方育有孩子等等情況下,申請人是可以不受擔保人撤回擔保的影響而依然獲得永久居留簽證的(Waiver of 2 Years Requirement)。


問1: 父母或他人包辦的婚姻可否通過審批?答: 可以,只要婚姻符合真實和持久關系這一種標准。

問2: 擔保人是否要提供經濟擔保?答: 不一定。首先,作為申請人的配偶,擔保人是有義務保證申請人在澳大利亞境內頭兩年的生活開支不會有問題。但是移民局也不一定要求擔保人出具經濟擔保證明,如果移民局認為有必要出具經濟擔保證明時,擔保人配偶也不-定要兼做經濟擔保人,而可以另外請人擔任此一角色。在此情況下,如果申請人在澳大利亞境內的頭2年領取社會福利金的話,經濟擔保人就有法律責任去償還該筆金額。

問3: 可以連同孩子一起申請嗎?答: 可以,只要孩子未滿18歲,未婚,在經濟、生活和感情上依賴申請人,而且不會侵犯孩子另外一個家長的撫養權就行。

問4: 非法移民能夠申請配偶簽證移民嗎?答: 能,但是申請表格一般要在澳大利亞境外遞交。若申請人與擔保人共有的兒女需要照顧或符合其它條件,則在澳大利亞境內遞表也是可以的。

問5: 以前的婚姻關系未解決,可以申請配偶移民嗎?答: 可以。請參閱本章中同居配偶簽證的論述,一紙結婚證書並不是配偶移民簽證的審批標准。

問6: 可否跳過兩年的臨居等候期?答: 可以。但是必須滿足嚴格的臨居等候期豁免條件,即申請人與擔保人共同生活超過了5年,或在兩年等候期沒有屆滿以前孕育了子女等。

問7: 配偶移民申請者是否要面試?答: 有可能。如果移民局覺得有必要確認兩人間的關系是否真實(及持久)的話,就會安排時間,通知雙方出席面試。通過對兩個人分別的問話,可以具體取得雙方的關系、家庭、日常生活和親密與否等情況,再以此做參考來證實兩人的關系。


我現在就在美國。我大學學的是會計專業。但是我來美國當時簽證申請的是內新聞專業。容根本不對口。當時他們問我為什麼學新聞。我就說我一直都對新聞很有興趣。當時還給報社投了很多的稿。像你就可以說 ,你畢業以後一直都對廣告這個行業很感興趣。一直很關注。然後巧合下得到這份工作,因為興趣喜歡,所以選擇在廣告界打拚。很正常的。外國人也很多專業跟所學不對口的。我一個美國朋友大學學數學,然後工作在夢工場做怪物史瑞克的模型。很汗的說






2.主要目的是.如果你有了法國長期的簽證,那申根的就填 travle ring the holiday 好啦



5.填房主,可以的話也可以後面補充說明一下,live with parents



沒有路線就填havent decided yet



10、英國簽證用的ATAS申請狀態寫著decided和decision sent via email. 結果郵件我現在也沒收到。

你確定你的郵箱的垃圾箱里沒有嗎?一般這種狀態應該是已經sorted out然後發送出去了,如果你不是通過中介申請的話,應該會直接發到你的郵箱里啊。 也可能有時差所以要在他們的工作時間之內發送出去,你再等幾個小時看看!