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曲阜三孔自駕游攻略 2020-09-01 11:49:01
泰國芭提雅自由行攻略 2020-08-27 00:04:19
廣州到重慶特價機票 2020-08-30 08:09:46


發布時間: 2021-03-20 04:05:39





2、馬來西亞自由行 英文不好 需要找個導游嗎 如果需要的話 導服費是多少哦?大家幫忙推薦一下,謝謝

不需找導游.. 馬來滿大街的華人, 直接普通話交流即可, 但是他們的普通話不標准.
換馬專幣的話,還是人民幣比較合算, 因為屬用美元的話 要先用人民幣換成美元,再換成馬幣, 期間你虧損了兩次.
去雲頂的話好的酒店有兩三家,(這個忘記了.. 那時候去雲頂玩 住的是雲頂第一高酒店. 叫什麼xxxx第一大酒店什麼的).
三天時間有點倉促, 其實馬來西亞有很多景點, 吉隆坡倒沒有什麼好玩的, 無非就是看看雙子塔,獨立廣場,逛逛商場之類的. 馬六甲還行, 也比較推薦你去蘭卡威(免稅的天堂啊!! 強烈推薦), 巴厘島(海水真的很藍`` 很藍``) 去濱城吃小吃也不錯!
其實3天時間有點趕了, 一周左右的時間玩的比較暢快, 3天的時間只能去一個地方玩一玩..






馬來西亞有華人,他們講華語、英語,廣東話,還有福建話。華人的餐館一般都有 漢語+英語










Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia's capital, is national politics, theeconomical, cultural and the transportation center, is located themalay peninsula the mid-west, the area 244 square kilometers, thepopulation approximately 1.5 million, is the Malaysian biggest city,also is this country only surpasses 1 million population the cities,the native likes calling it is "K? L ". Kuala Lumpur's in Malaya speech meaning is "the muddy river mouth",opens the port in 19th century the leaf, at that time was Chinesepeople leaf Germany leads to reclaim wasteland the team, was coming upalong the Pakistan fresh river mines the tin ore, afterwards heregraally formed the rural fair. In 1880 England took over control this place, graally developed intothe big city. Now the Kuala Lumpur Israeli and Palestine fresh riverfor, west the half is the governmental agency, the park, the banklocus, east the half is the trade and the residential district. Kuala Lumpur has the modernized city infrastructure artisticly, thecity's appearance is neat, the high-rise construction stands in greatnumbers, simultaneously also has the many kinds of styles the ancientconstruction and the big luxuriant bush jungle, the modernizedatmosphere and the traditional landscape coexists, causes this Malayafamous city alone elegant demeanour.






Royal palace The royal palace is located south of the train station, forhead of state's residence, the golden color dome construction has therich Arabic style, many tourists watch its beautiful outwardappearance and the photography in this accept as a memento. Congress building The Congress building was 18 building store heights grandbuildings, after the Malaysian independence completes, fused themodern architecture style and the traditional culture flavor. In thetourist enters the visit to want first to obtain the parties concernedthe authorization. National mosque The Southeast Asia area biggest mosque, is located the capitaltown center. Total area 5.5 hectares. In 1957 proposed theconstruction by first elected Premier Lachman. The construction formand the Mecca three big mosques are similar. Prayed the hall may hold8,000 people, the roof is composed by 49 big small circles arches. Themost great-circle arches the diameter 45 meters, assumes 18 emissionsstars shape, represents national 13 states and the Islamism fivebases. The height 73 meters spires for the fire , Italy maycompare for the Islamism with the science. After the temple has intersthe Islamism "the national hero" the mausoleum, only has is appointedVice-Premier Fang Neng which premier or in office died to die to this.Every time brings forth Friday morning, some many reverent believersreach this point the pray. Enters the mosque visit to have to take offshoes in, woman also must put on in the entrance only then mayenter.




檳 城

Black wind tunnel Is located the Kuala Lumpur northern suburbs. Several junglescomplement, in the cliff thousand peaks halfway up themountainside, some 20 about limestone limestone cave. Light holereaches as high as 50 ~ 60 meters, the width 70 ~ 80 meters, thesunlight injects in the hole from the hole top hole, therefore. Thedark hole length 366 meters, in the hole gloomily pass crisply, thetrail steep is curving, is perching the thousands bat and the snake,concurrently has a minute hole innumerably, the average person isunable to step in the hole bottom. In the light hole and the dark holehas the innumerable as if people and each kind of birds and beasts, makes one praise to the heavens. Nearby thelight hole in a limestone cave has a Hin temple, was considered isMalaysia's Hin Holy Land. plateau Is located is apart from the Kuala Lumpur northern suburbsapproximately 50 kilometers place, the elevation 1,722 meters, are theMalaysian domestic cool mountainous region vacation paradises. On themountain has the electrically operated amusement facility, theswimming pool, the indoor stadium, the bowling hall and so on, but ismost noticeable or supposes in the big hotel gamblingestablishment, this is the Malaysian only legitimate gamblingestablishment, has "southern coastal provinces archipelago Montecarlo" the name. Penang Also called "the Georgia city" or "Georgetown", is located the east northmost part, is the Malaysian biggestinternational free commercial harbour and the national second bigcity. Penang fills the colorful religion and the culturalcharacteristic, the state established museum, the art center, theBuddhist temple and the mosque proliferate the entire island, hadreflected many nationalities has developed this beautiful islandstogether since 18th century the bright history. Penang vegetationgreen, scenery beautiful, the guesthouse hotel constructs eachcharacteristic, the flavor snack is bountiful. Here commodity many isthe ty-free goods, the price quite is inexpensive.









又叫中國山,位於Jalan Temenggung街尾,是明代三寶太監鄭和的軍隊駐扎地,也是明朝公主下嫁馬六甲時的居所。山上的三寶山廟供奉著鄭和的戎裝塑像。廟右側的三寶井,是馬六甲最古老的水井,相傳是1409年鄭和率軍到此為尋找飲用水而挖掘的。
Betel nut mountain Also the name rises Chishan, is the Penang topography most highplace, about the elevation 830 meters. Under the mountain has themountaineering cable car, mounts the summit, not only may the bird'seye view Penang panoram, but also may watch the arrival toward betweenthe Malacca channel various types ships. On the summit is equippedwith goes sightseeing, the leisure facility, is Penang important goessightseeing the scenic spot. Malacca Malacca is located the malay peninsula the southeast seashore,is apart from the Kuala Lumpur approximately 166 kilometers, is aMalaysian most ancient city, holds the Malacca channel the pharynx andlarynx, is controlling between the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean'schannel, the strategic status is extremely important. Malacca is ahistorical glorious city, the natural condition superior, thehistorical vestige is multitudinous, many vestiges also are colonizehistorical the miniature. Sao Paulo church Is located on the town center Sao Paulo mountain, in 1521completed, was Portugese the God church which most early establishedin Malacca. Malacca museum Is located east the urban district, the Malacca river bank,constructed from 1641 to 1660, was one of Southeast Asia ancientHolland type buildings. Originally for Dutch governor's residence,because its wall, wooden gate for are red, the native called it is"the red room". In the hall collects has Malaysian, Portugese, Dutchand England's historical relics. Nearby the red room had constructs in1912 Malacca club, was the Gothic style construction, now is theindependent exhibition memorial hall. Three Paoshan Also calls China the mountain, is located Jalan the Temenggungstreet tail, is the the Ming Dynasty three treasures court eunuchZheng He's army is stationed, when is Ming Dynasty princess marriesbelow station Malacca the residence. On the mountain three Paoshantemple is consecrating Zheng He's military garb cast. Right flank thetemple three treasures well, is the Malacca most ancient water well,handed down is in 1409 Zheng He commands the army reaches this pointfor seeks the tap water to excavate.


這里環境優美,有美麗的沙灘、奇特的溶洞、青翠的森林、壯觀的瀑布以及種類繁多的野生動植物。 蘭卡威主要旅遊景點和旅遊項目有:七井岩、丹絨魯、郭海濱、珍南海濱、中央海浴場、達帶及布勞海濱、孕婦湖、巨獅島野生生物保護區、蘭卡威水底世界、蘭卡威鮮魚場、蘭卡威魚籠、巨鷹廣場、水上樂園、首相珍藏館、巴雅島、傳奇公園、手工藝文化綜合中心等。





沙巴州首府,又名為哥打京那巴魯(Kota Kinabalu ),是前往沙巴各地的首要通道,居民約30萬,曾在二次大戰時遭日軍猛烈轟炸而四處起火,因此被稱為「亞庇」(馬來語中火的意思)。而今天的亞庇在州政府的用心經營之下,已呈現了一片欣欣向榮的景象,辦公大樓、購物中心如雨後春筍般地興起。市區內有許多值得觀光的地方,如:沙巴州立博物館、清真寺、沙巴最高的建築物一沙巴基金會大廈等。
Blue card prestige The blue card prestige is located west the Peninsular Malaysianorth shore outside, pulls the harbor 30 kilometers from themelon, is away from the harbor 51 kilometers. It is composed by99 tropics islands, the main island is called the blue card prestige. Here environment is exquisite, has the beautiful sand beach, theunusual limestone cave, the verdant forest, the magnificent waterfallas well as type many wild animals and plants. The blue card prestigemain scenic site and the traveling project includes: Seven wellscrags, Dan fabric Lu, south the Guo seashore, the treasure theseashore, the central sea bathing place, reach the belt and theseashore, the pregnant woman lake, under water the great lion islandwild biology protectorate, the blue card prestige the world, the bluecard prestige fresh fish field, the blue card prestige fish cage, thegreat hawk square, the aquatic paradise, prime minister collects thehall, the Pakistan elegant island, the legendary park, the handicraftculture comprehensive center and so on. Sha Ba Sand Pakistan is located world third big islands Borneonorthmost part, the area amounts to 72,,500 square kilometers, isMalaysia's second big continent. West near south China sea, east near and syli sea.Year to year like the summer, the entire annual precipitation is in152 centimeters to 305 centimeters between, rainy season is the 1lmonth to February. Because develops comparatively late west, thereforedoes not have Malaysia to prosper. But within the boundaries has therich lumber, the crops and each kind of mineral resources, and hasmany rough primitive natural beautiful scenes. Sha Ba race and thelanguage are extremely complex, in the middle of 1.5 million manypopulation, has included 30 kind of above nationality and the tribe,uses 80 many kinds of different dialects. Sha Bazhou the capital, also names for the elder brother hitsBeijing that Pakistan Lu (Kota Kinabalu), is goes to Sha Bage theplace the most important channel, the inhabitant approximately300,000, once when Second World War suffers the Japanese forcesviolent bombing but to cook meals in all directions, therefore iscalled (in Malay fire meaning). But today in underState authority's attentively management, has presented a piece ofprosperous scene, the office block, the shopping center like mushroomgrowth has emerged. In the urban district has the place which many isworth going sightseeing, for example: Sand Pakistan state establishedmuseum, mosque, Sha Bazui a high building sand Pakistan foundationbuilding and so on.

位於京那巴魯公園(Kinabalu Park)內,海拔4,l0l公尺,是東南亞第一高峰,又稱「中國寡婦山」。相傳在古時候,兩位打漁的中國兄弟不慎遇到台風而漂流至沙巴,兄弟倆便在當地落地生根、娶妻生子。無奈兄弟倆都很懷念故鄉,便協議由哥哥先回故鄉探親之後再帶大家回中國。怎知哥哥卻一去不返,大嫂便每天站在山上翹首盼望,直到老死。後人為了紀念這偉大的愛情故事,便把此山命名為「中國寡婦山」。神山形成已有150萬年的歷史,至今地殼的造山運動仍不斷地在進行著,因此我們可說它是一座活的砂岩山脈。此山雖高,但由於構造的關系,是一座十分容易攀登的高山。山內的公園,展示著許多豐富的植物,如橡樹、杜鵑花、豬籠草及萊佛士亞花(全世界最大的花),真是個活生生的大自然教室。不過想要攀登此山的遊客,必須要辦理入山許可證,並訂好旅館及交通工具,禦寒衣物也要多帶一些,以防氣溫驟變。


God mountain Is located the Beijing that Pakistan Lu park (Kinabalu Park)in, the elevation 4, l0l meter, is the Southeast Asia first peak,calls "the Chinese widow mountain". Hands down at the ancient time,two hit the fishing Chinese brothers carelessly meet the typhoon towander to sand Pakistan, brothers then air plant in the locality, tofind a wife give birth to a boy. But brothers all very much fondlyremember the hometown, then the agreement first returns to hometownvisiting relatives after elder brother again leads everybody to returnto China. How knows elder brother actually to be gone forever,sister-in-law then every day stands on the mountain raises the headthe hope, until passes away. The posterity for commemorate this greatlove story, then names this mountain as "the Chinese widow mountain".The god mountain forms had 1.5 million years history, until now theearth's crust orogenesis still unceasingly was carrying on, thereforewe might say it was a live sandstone sierra. This Shan Suigao, but asa result of the structure relations, is the mountain which isextremely easy to climb. In the mountain park, was demonstrating manyrich plants, like the oak tree, the Indian azalea, the pig cage grassand the Lai Buddha gentleman Asia flower (the world biggest flower),really is the living nature classroom. But wants the tourist whichclimbs this mountain, must have to handle into the mountain permit,and subscribes the hotel and the transportation vehicle, theprotection against the cold clothing also must bring some, guardsagainst the temperature sudden change. East paternal aunt graceful country park Is located the elder brother to hit the Beijing that Lu opensea 3 to 8 kilometers place, altogether is composed by 5 beautifulislands, around islands link around coral reef level and sandbar. Theriotous coral reef level, in addition only the beautiful sand beachand the deep blue sea water, constituted this concurrentlyentertainment and the ecation al value sea park, attracts theinnumerable tourists to come to watch.



