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曲阜三孔自驾游攻略 2020-09-01 11:49:01
泰国芭提雅自由行攻略 2020-08-27 00:04:19
广州到重庆特价机票 2020-08-30 08:09:46


发布时间: 2021-03-05 15:31:34




景点名称 所在城市
漓江风光 桂林
漓江是世界上风光最秀丽的河流之一。 漓江发源于“华南第一峰”桂北越城岭猫儿山,那是个林丰木秀,空气清新,生态环境极佳的地方。漓江上游主流称六峒河;南流至兴安县司门前附近,东纳黄柏江,西受川江,合流称溶江;由溶江镇汇灵渠水,流经灵川、桂林、阳朔,至平乐,长160公里,称漓江。 漓江两岸的山峰伟岸挺拔,形态万千,石峰上多长有茸茸的灌木和小花,远远看去,若美女身上的衣衫。江岸的堤坝上,终年碧

两江四湖 桂林
漓江、桃花江、木龙湖、桂湖、榕湖、杉湖谓之两江四湖。桂、杉、三湖宋已有之,今之木龙湖本为陆地。为沟通漓江与内湖之水脉,掘土45万余方,乃成。因与漓江之交汇处有木龙古渡之胜景,其上木龙洞在焉,故曰木龙湖。 两江四湖景区遍植名树、名花、名草,造榕树、银杏、雪松、水杉、木兰、棕榈诸园,以改善桂林中心城之生态;架设名桥19座,以增加江湖之灵气;恢复、修建古之名楼、名塔、名亭万余平方米,以增桂林

象鼻山 桂林
象山公园 地处市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,园内自然山水与人文景观相辉映。象山,栩栩如生,引人入胜,被人们称为桂林山水的象征。 象鼻山 位于市内桃花江与漓江汇流处, 是桂林名山之一, 主要景点有水月洞、象眼岩、普贤塔、宏峰寺及寺内的太平天国革命遗址陈列馆等。附近还有隋唐开元寺仅存的舍利塔。水月洞紧靠江边, 漓水流贯其间, 如水中浮月,山石垂入水中又如象鼻饮水漓江, 景致极佳, 唐宋以来

芦笛岩 桂林

The scenic spot name city
Lijiang River scenery Guilin
Lijiang River is one of world winning side light most beautiful rivers. The Lijiang River origin in “the South China first peak” north the cassiabarktree the yuecheng ridge cat mountain, that is Lin Fengmu Xiu, the air is fresh, ecological environment extremely good place.Upstream the Lijiang River the mainstream calls six cave rivers; South flows to Xing'an County Si Menqian nearby, east accepts the cork river, west receives the rivers, the confluence name dissolves the river; By dissolves the Jiangzhen to collect the spirit Qu, flows after Lingchuan, Guilin, Yangshuo, to Pingle, the long 160 kilometers, calls the Lijiang River. Lijiang River both banks mountain peak great tall and straight, the shape great amount, on the pinnacle is much long has the soft and thick bush and the floret, looks by far, if on beautiful woman body clothing.On the river bank dike, the blue two jiangs

four lake Guilin Lijiang River
, peach Huajiang, wooden Long Lake, Gui Hu, the banyan tree lake, the cedar lake say all year long the two jiangs four lakes.The cassiabarktree, the cedar, three lake Song Yi have it, wood of Long Lake now originally is a land.In order to communicate the Lijiang River water course of with in lake, excavates 450,000 sides, is becomes.Therefore says wooden Long Lake. The two jiangs four lake scenic areas spread plant the famous tree, the precious flower, the famous grass, makes the banyan fig, the gingko, the deodar cedar, the metasequoia, the Lily magnolia, the palm various gardens, improves ecology of the Guilin center city; Erects famous bridge 19, increases divine and wonderful spirit of the rivers and lakes; Restores, constructs ancient name building, famous tower, the famous pavilion ten thousand square meters, increases the Guilin。Xiangshan, lifelike, fascinating, is called by the people the Guilin scenery the symbol. Local the trunk mountain is located peach Huajiang and the Lijiang River afflux place, is one of Guilin famous mountains, the main scenic spot has the water arch, in the elephant eye crag, the Pu virtuous tower, the great peak temple and the temple Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolution ruins exhibition hall and so on.The nearby also has the stupa which Sui and Tang dynasties Kaiyuan Temple only saves.During the water arch abutting waterfront, flowings the current of water to pass through, like in the water floats the month, Shan Shichui enters in the water like the trunk potable water Lijiang River, the view extremely is also good, since the Tang Song

the reed flute crag Guilin
reed flute layers west Guilin the northern suburbs, have been apart from the town center 5 kilometers, is one take tours the grotto primarily, the ornamental scenery rural scenery as the auxiliary scenery scenic spot area.Reed flute grotto deep 240 meters, tourist itinerary 500 metersIn the hole has the massive wonderful foothills varied, the exquisitely carved stalagmite, the stalactite, the stone column, Shi Man, the stone is colored, dazzling, has composed lion landscapes and so on range rosy-colored clouds at dawn, red silk gauze valuable account, p'anlung sc gd pagoda, virgin forest, crystal palace, Mt. Huaguo, makes the tourist to be eyes cannot take it all in, the like fairyland, by the reputation is “the nature palace of art”.From the Tang Dynasty, all previous dynasties all has the tourist trail, present hole memory all previous dynasties mural 77 pieces.From 1959 discovered and opens




漓江一日游,哈哈听着 挺好的 其实不咋地 ,(我就是这样跟团走的,后悔死)我告诉你怎么玩

1.在桂林车站做汽车去阳朔, 时间1个小时左右,票价15
2.到阳朔后,(阳朔很小,) 你可以去河边租个小竹筏,逆流而上到 “五马画山” 在顺流飘下。 那是相当惬意啊 这段才是整个漓江的精髓

你说的世外桃源,可别挺导游忽悠, 至少我觉得不值得去

但是我去了月亮山了, 那里也很漂亮啊



The Li River (simplified Chinese: 漓江; pinyin: Lí Jiāng) or Lijiang River is a river in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China.

Contents [hide]
1 Background
2 Scenery of the Li River
3 Image gallery
4 See also
5 References
6 External links

[edit] Background
The Li River originates in the Mao'er Mountains in Xing'an С and flows in the general southern direction through Guilin, Yangshuo and Pingle. In Pingle the Li River merges with two other streams, and continues south as the Gui River, which falls into the Xi Jiang, the western tributary of the Pearl River, in Wuzhou.

The upper course of the River Li is connected by the ancient Lingqu Canal with the Xiang River, which flows north into the Yangtze; this in the past made the Li and Gui Rivers part of a highly important waterway connecting the Yangtze Valley with the Pearl River Delta.

The 437-kilometer course of the Li and Gui Rivers is flanked by green hills. Cormorant fishing is often associated with the Lijiang (see bird intelligence). Its unusual karst topography hillsides have often been compared to those at Halong Bay, Vietnam.

[edit] Scenery of the Li River
Along the 100-kilometer stretch of the Li River, mountain peaks rise into the sky. It is one of China's most famous scenic areas, featured in many scroll paintings. Features include:

Reed-Flute Rock: a limestone cave with a large number of stalactites, stalagmites, stalacto-stalagmites, rocky curtains, and cave corals.
Seven-Star Park: the largest park in Guilin.
Mountain of Splendid Hues: a mountain consisting of many layers of variously colored rocks.
Elephant-Trunk Hill: a hill that looks like a giant elephant drinking water with its trunk. It is symbol of the city of Guilin.
Lingqu Canal: g in 214 BC, is one of the three big water conservation projects of ancient China and the oldest existing canal in the world.
Other attractions include: Duxiu Peak, Nanxi Park, the Taohua River, the Giant Banyan, and the Huashan-Lijiang National Folklore Park.
The imagery of the Li River is featured on the fifth series of the 20 yuan note.

5、关于漓江的英文介绍这个是一篇游记 http://www.world-travel-photos.com/routard-pays-liste-1-19-en-asia-china-li-jiang-guilin-cruising-river.html这个是一个短短的介绍这个里面的介绍详细一些


山青水秀洞奇石美冬暖夏凉的桂林山水---- 自驾车、骑自行车、坐轮船、坐竹筏、徒步、攀岩游玩阳朔,都是很不错的选择。景观奇特的岩洞具有冬暖夏凉的特点,遇龙河、漓江、龙颈河等都是绿树如茵,翠竹夹岸,凉风阵阵,河水清澈,消暑降温、、、、阳朔是最适于人居与一年四季都可以休闲度假的的好去处。
1. 【漓江】乘竹筏游览国家AAAAA景区 (游览约120分钟)上的“黄金钻石”风景段,精华景点络绎不绝,不同的气候,有着它不同的神韵,沿途可欣赏杨堤风光、文笔峰、童子拜观音、浪石风光、苹果山、下龙风光、九马画山……
2. 【世外桃源】国家AAAA景区 (游览约80分钟)全国首批农业旅游示范点和世界旅游组织推荐的旅游胜地,世外桃源景区向我们展示了一幅古桥、流水、田园、老村与水上民族村寨融为一体的绝妙画图“世外桃源”主要有荷花池、燕子湖、燕子洞、侗乡风情和原始部落组成“这是一个被遗忘的故乡,这是一个放松身心快乐人生的乐土
5. 【《印象•刘三姐》】晚上欣赏张艺谋导演的大型山水实景演出。常言“桂林山水甲天下,阳朔堪称甲桂林;看了《印象•刘三姐》,真心想做桂林人。”
6 .【龙颈河景区】它到桂林市区只需90分钟车程,距阳朔县城仅35公里,距桂梧高速路阳朔出口不足30分钟车程,柏油路、水泥路直通景区,在各主要路口均设有醒目的路标。开通了柳州市、桂林市、阳朔县接送游客的专线车,交通十分便捷。龙颈河漂流是桂林乃至全国非常有特色的水上探险型漂流,其漂流类型分为两类。
勇士漂:漂流河道全长6公里,整体落差达180米,河谷两边山峦叠嶂、森林苍莽、清溪潺潺、聚泉成流,水质极为清澈。河谷两岸还有古树、奇石、果林,有10多个3-6米的落差刺激处,108个旋转弯,沿途精彩连连,充满惊险与刺激,让您秒秒钟嚎吼尖叫。 猛士漂:全长8公里,落差268米、、、、、
7.【桂林九马画山】(国家AAA景区)是桂林漓江著名的景观之一,是大自然的笔墨奇观。位于兴坪镇西北4公里,山高400余米,宽200米。宋代诗人邹浩比作天公醉时的杰作:“应时天公醉时笔,重重粉墨尚横”。 九马画山峡谷漂流全程3.5公里,从高空俯瞰,宛如一条玉带深阙峡中,整体落差80米。峡谷中水流鲜活澄静,空气清新,两岸尽是葱郁植物。
大榕树+ 月亮山 +聚龙潭(4A) +图腾古道(4A)+ 蝴蝶泉(3A) +遇龙河漂流精华段(朝阳码头-工农桥漂流) 晚上 演出《印象刘三姐》
第二天:世外桃源(4A) + 漓江精华游(5A) 晚上 西街(免费)
第三天:兴坪龙颈河漂流+ 银子岩(4A)
第四天:桂林经典一日游 三山一洞一公园 夜游 两江四湖


第一天:大漓江全程游-阳朔-大榕树-月亮山-聚龙潭 住宿:桂林






